This Halloween at MNCS was an exciting one! Students had so much fun Trick-Or-Treating downtown Henderson for our annual Halloween event! Students visited local businesses and received lots of goodies and candy! We also had a Halloween costume contest in the afternoon with students dressed in their best Halloween costumes to make this Monday special! There were so many creative and festive costumes, with some wonderful performances! All were winners and was such a fun day with students showing their Halloween spirit! We want to thank all the local businesses who participated this year and brought smiles to our students faces with a bag full of treats!
over 2 years ago, Brianne Fuhrmann
We appreciate all the local Henderson businesses who participated in our Trick-Or-Treating Halloween event this year. You brought smiles to our students faces and a bag full of Halloween goodies!
Thank you to all the local Henderson businesses who participated in our Trick-Or-Treating event this year!
We appreciate all the local Henderson businesses who participated in our Trick-Or-Treating Halloween event this year. You brought smiles to our students faces and a bag full of Halloween goodies!
Students got to put super glue on their face and a microscope slide to try and see if they could find skin mites on their skin **No beautiful faces were harmed during this activity
over 2 years ago, MNCS High School
Nuts and Bolts has arranged to help with the meat raffles at The 300 Club in Le Sueur during November and December. The proceeds from each night, which will go toward helping fund Experience Fridays, Genius hour, snacks, classroom supplies, etc for MNCS. However, four adult volunteers are needed each Saturday. If you are interested please use the link to sign up. Thank you!
over 2 years ago, MNCS High School
meat raffle
Reminder: Early Release on Wednesday Oct 26th HS 1:05 ES 1:15
over 2 years ago, MNCS High School
early release
Students in Mrs K's class had a special guest visit their art class recently! One of our student's grandfather, Steve Anderson is a Cartoonist who came to instruct students on how to draw cartoons and the progression of animation! Students worked on a one page cartoon with Steve and are now working on an eight page cartoon story book with Mrs. K! They are enjoying the creative process and making their own animated characters!
over 2 years ago, Brianne Fuhrmann
One of our MNCS student's grandfather, Steve Anderson is a Cartoonist and came to teach students how to draw cartoons and the progression of animation!
MNCS Elementary students enjoyed learning how to create cartoons in art class with Cartoonist, Steve Anderson!
More McGowan's Farm History Fest Fun!
over 2 years ago, Brianne Fuhrmann
Students were able to meet MN Jack Sparrow and some fun pirates at History Fest!
History Fest Fun!
Learning how to saw the old fashioned way...
History Fest fun with fellow MNCS friends!
MNCS students enjoyed the recent trip to McGowan's Farm for History Fest! They were able to experience what it was like in the past with a variety of entertainers and activities ranging from Historical Interpreters of 17th century, launching a catapult, cider making, cannon shooting, pirates, face painting, and so much more! What a fun day of learning experiences and being out in the beautiful fall weather!
over 2 years ago, Brianne Fuhrmann
Students enjoyed History Fest at McGowan's Farm, experiencing a taste of what it was like in days gone by...
Pumpkin Catapult!
Students had a fun time at the festival with fellow MNCS friends and making memories!
Face painting!!
There will be two food trucks parked at MNCS High School tonight starting at 4:00 p.m. for presentation night One will be The Squeaky Cow (burgers, fries, cheese curds, and more) The other one will be Cookie Dough Bliss (edible cookie dough, ice cream, and other sweets) Come grab some food while you check out the students projects!
over 2 years ago, MNCS High School
food trucks
Students in the Frogs class were able to enjoy time outside and appreciate the colorful leaves and beautiful fall weather!
over 2 years ago, Brianne Fuhrmann
The Frog students were able to enjoy some time outside and enjoy the beautiful fall weather!
The Frog students enjoyed the beautiful fall weather outside!
Getting ready to do some art and work on a card for their teacher!
The Frog students had fun creating a colorful banner card for their Advisor and how much they appreciate her!
NOW ENROLLING! Minnesota New Country Elementary School is now enrolling for Kindergarten through 6th grade! MNCS is a tuition-free K-12 public charter school and a leader in Project-Based Learning. Discover how MNCS can help develop your child into an independent learner! Offering free busing to/from: Mankato, St. Peter, Le Sueur, Gaylord, Winthrop, Green Isle, Arlington, and Belle Plaine. We offer experiential learning opportunities to students and a small school setting with small class sizes! Interested in learning more? Please contact Brianne Fuhrmann, MNCS Elementary Administrative Assistant at 507-868-0071 ext. 0 or by email Come and learn with MNCS Elementary!
over 2 years ago, Brianne Fuhrmann
Minnesota New Country Elementary School- Now Enrolling For Grades Kindergarten through 6th Grade!
MNCS Elementary students were asked by Mrs. K in science class- is there sound in space? Students learned more about how sound travels by participating in several fun experiments! Sound requires a medium to travel through and travels by making molecules vibrate. In deep space, the large empty areas between stars and planets, there are no molecules to vibrate. There is no sound!
over 2 years ago, Brianne Fuhrmann
MNCS Elementary Students participated in several experiments to see how sound travels and answer the question- can you hear sound in space!
All sounds are produced by vibrations!
The BWCA crew spent the afternoon in Ely, MN on 9/26/22. We had the pleasure of touring the Dorothy Molter Museum. Dorothy lived up in the Boundary Waters on Knife Lake on the Isle of Pines for 56 years. She was a registered nurse, and a remarkable woman who broke female stereotypes and thrived in the wilderness. Dorothy is also famous for making her homemade root beer to serve to her 6000 guests who would stop by each year during canoeing season. She made 11,000-12,000 bottles of root beer per year. Dorothy was the last full time non-indigenous resident of the BWCA. She worked with the U.S. Forrest Service as a “volunteer in service”. Dorothy passed in 1986 at the age of 79. Be sure to Google Dorothy to learn more about her incredible life - she was an amazing lady!! “If I ever find a man who can portage heavier loads, chop more wood, or catch more fish, then I’ll marry him.” - Dorothy Molter
over 2 years ago, Nancy Pfarr
Dorothy Molter with a huge lake trout
BWCA Crew at the Dorothy Molter Museum
At the Dorothy Molter Museum
Inside her winter cabin
Hello! My name is Megan Boelter and I'm a new paraprofessional at the high school. I live in Belle Plaine with my husband, Jeff, and our 4 wonderful and crazy children. We also have a bearded dragon and a new bulldog puppy! I enjoy spending time with friends and family, traveling, and am always up for a new adventure! I am very excited to join the MNCS team, and can't wait to see all the amazing things happening this year! Welcome to MNCS Megan!
over 2 years ago, MNCS High School
MNCS Student Project Spotlight! Devan's Welding Art Project is amazing! Devan created several "farm scene" pieces to form his collection. A boot rack made out of horseshoes and rebar, a table made out of his grandfather's 30 plus year old chain, a butterfly lawn/garden art, a tractor made out of a bike chain and a spoon for the seat, a suet feeder, and a little motorcycle made out of a spark plug and nuts. Great work Devan!!
over 2 years ago, MNCS High School
A Swan student presented their "Project: Me!" to the class yesterday. Students were able to learn about the the fluffy and friendly dog and ask all sorts of questions. They enjoyed petting it's fluffy coat and the dog loved all the hugs from students! Great job to our student and what an awesome project!
over 2 years ago, Brianne Fuhrmann
MNCS Elementary student presented their "Project: Me!" to the class yesterday! Students enjoyed learning all about the dog and being able to pet and hug the fluffy friendly pet!
Students watched as the student's dog gave a signature handshake and the cool tricks they were able to teach their pet!
"Project: Me!" presentation by a student in the Swan's class- Great job!
"Project: Me!" presentation by a student in the Swan's class- Great job!
Happy Thursday MNCS families! We have heard that some families were not aware of our early release yesterday so we would like to remind everyone that our school calendar is posted on our website and our announcements are sent out every Tuesday through email. If you would like a paper copy of the calendar please reach out and we can get you one. Please also let us know if you are not receiving the weekly announcements email. Thank you - have a wonderful rest of the week!
over 2 years ago, MNCS High School
Students in Cory and Reta's class were able to enjoy a classroom escape room last Friday! They were part of a top secret mission to find the secret code relying on their skills, knowledge, problem solving expertise, and teamwork! With elements of math and logic, the countdown was on and students enjoyed a fun-filled afternoon trying to beat the clock and solve the challenge!
over 2 years ago, Brianne Fuhrmann
Students enjoyed an Escape Classroom last Friday! With elements of math and logic, the countdown was on and students enjoyed a fun-filled afternoon trying to beat the clock and solve the challenge!
The countdown is on...will they solve the puzzle in time?
With elements of math and problem solving skills, students were able to solve the problem  in time and beat the clock!
What a great day of project based learning! Students enjoyed the finished product of what they had made and was a delicious "Apple Day" at MNCS Elementary!
over 2 years ago, Brianne Fuhrmann
More Apple Fun!!!
An Apple Snowman!
What a great day of project based learning! Students enjoyed the finished product of what they had made and was a delicious "Apple Day" at MNCS Elementary!
What better way to spend a fall day than teach our students how to make Apple Crisp and Applesauce! The lesson incorporated both elements of science and math in the baking and cooking process. Students learned how to accurately measure precise amounts and compare amounts with the ingredients. The best part was taste testing their delicious creations!
over 2 years ago, Brianne Fuhrmann
What better way to spend a fall day than to teach our students how to make apple crisp and applesauce- yum!
Peeling an apple for applesauce..
Stirring the apples for applesauce...
Measuring out the ingredients to make apple crisp!
More contour masterpieces in progress! Students adding oil pastels to their contour art projects...
over 2 years ago, Brianne Fuhrmann
MNCS Elementary student adding some color with oil pastels to the contour art project!
More Contour Art!
More Contour Art!