Elementary Announcements

Please visit our "Homepage" MNCS Website for updates, current events and MNCS News.


Upcoming Dates to Remember...

1/25 - Chili Cook-Off (5:00pm - 7:00pm)

1/29 - Early Release (Elementary 1:00pm)

Early Release - Bus Schedules:

Palmer Buses

Trailblazer Transit

1/31 - Dog Man Movie (Tigers & Anacondas)

2/3 - 2/7 - No School - Block Break!

2/14 - Genius Hour (1:00pm-2:30pm)

2/26 - Early Release (Elementary 1:00pm)

**Click here to check out the MNCS 2024-2025 Calendar


Annual MNCS Chili Cook-Off!

When: Saturday, January 25th from 5p.m. to 7p.m.

Cost: $10 entry fee

Where: 210 Main St. Henderson (MNCS High School)

*Live music, prizes, silent auction items, and some mighty fine chili!

*This is a fundraiser for the MNCS High School field trip to Japan in March 2025

Fill out this form if you would like to enter a chili:

Chili Entry Form

We hope to see you there and good luck!

Pop Tabs

Pop Tabs Fundraiser!!!

We are collecting Pop Tabs for the Ronald McDonald house! Every class at the Elementary Building is participating and the class that collects the most (based on weight) wins a Pizza Party for the class!

This collection started in the month of January and will run until the end of March-- so there is still a lot of time! Reach out to family members, community members, neighbors, and even businesses! Each classroom is motivated to win and for a good cause! You can send the pop tabs in any day, each classroom has a container where they are keeping them. Good Luck and we thank you for your support!

Nuts and Bolts

Nuts and Bolts

We're excited to invite you to join the Minnesota New Country School Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)!

This is your chance to actively contribute to our school community, help plan fun events, and advocate for students' needs.

Thank you for your continued support! We value your input and appreciate our MNCS parents!

Please contact Angel Ingles for more information!

picture day

School Pictures

Picture proof packets have already been sent home and you can also view your child's pictures on the Strawbridge website too. If you have not ordered yet, there's still time to do so! Ordering details and the code are located inside of the picture proof packet.

Ordering Information:

Go to and search "Minnesota New Country Elementary School"

Click the school code and fill out the form to proceed to the order page.

Questions? Strawbridge has a wonderful customer service and will be able to answer your questions! Live Chat is available on the Strawbridge website. You can also email at: [email protected] or you can call their customer service line at 866-624-6229.


Image sample of form

Orders placed more than 5 days after picture day/retake day may incur a fee of $6.99 for shipping & handling. This is due to the package being shipped alone and not with the group of orders coming to the school.

23-24 Yearbook

2023-2024 MNCS Elementary Yearbooks are for sale!

You can order one HERE. After your purchase you may pick up your yearbook at the Elementary school. Please contact 507-868-0071 ext. 0 or by email: [email protected] for pick-up or any questions.

ALL MNCS Families, New, & Existing Students Need To Be Registered through JMC!

If you have not done so already, you will need to log into our JMC portal and make sure ALL of your forms have been submitted (double-check even if you have already filled them out). 

If you have any questions about the process that the video is unable to answer or are unable to log in, please contact us via email:

Jake Zeiher - [email protected] or

Nick Ryan - [email protected]

UPDATE Your Contact Information  

Please update your contact information in the JMC Portal. Starting January 2022, you will be receiving emails through MNCS Website/JMC (High School Announcements, Covid Response, along with School Closing, etc). 

For more information and log in, instructions CLICK HERE

JMC Update

Other Information

Experiences/ Field Trips

Friday, January 31st: Dog Man Movie (Tigers & Anacondas)

The Tigers and Anacondas will be attending a movie on Friday, January 31st- The Dog Man Movie!

Cost is $10 per student. Payment can be made via cash, check, or online HERE. If choosing to pay via cash or check, please put in an envelope and label with your child's name on the front.

Students can bring money for lunch, or bring a lunch from home, or order a school lunch- through the MNCS School Lunch Program.

Friday, February 14th: Genius Hour (On-Site)

All MNCS Elementary students will be having Genius Hour on Friday, February 14th. Advisors at MNCS Elementary will be offering a skill and students can sign up to choose where they want to go and do that activity! It will be from 1:00pm - 2:30pm.

Quick Links

MNCS School Payment

MNCS Online Store

Wish List

MNCS Wish List


MNCS School Lunch

UPDATE: While in process of the application with National School Lunch Program, the MNCS Nutrition & Compost Team has decided to take advantage of our newly licensed kitchen and provide a hot lunch one day per week to both sites- MNCS Elementary and High School! Hot lunch meals will be provided every Tuesday (starting January 7th, 2025) at no charge.

Lunchables (and/or a sandwich option) will be provided for FREE to those that need a lunch this school year 2024-2025.

We will always ensure that our students are given a meal in the chance that they forget to bring a lunch from home.

Free and Reduced Lunch Program: Parents need to fill out this form Application for Educational Benefits . You can turn applications into the Administrative Assistants at either school or send to Carrie Rice, MNCS Nutrition Manager at [email protected]


Yearly Milk Subscription- Milk is available for elementary students.  To purchase ONE milk a day for your child, cost is $50 per child per year. To purchase TWO milks a day for your child, cost is $100 per child per year. Checks can be made payable to MNCS or online payment through our MNCS Online Store (Here)

Did you know you could support "Minnesota New Country School"  while you shop on Amazon?

 On your next Amazon purchase shop through AmazonSmile - AmazonSmile donates 0.5% of your purchases to MNCS, at no extra cost to you! Already set up, THANK YOU! If you are using AmazonSmile on your mobile app, it may need to be renewed.

Check us out on Facebook

MNCS Facebook

MNCS Facebook